Rama Verde

Culture / 1988

San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato

Das Grüner Zweig Kunstgalerie; was designed in 1988 in a country setting outside San Miguel Allende, consists in four parts; the main exposition nave constructed in brick exposed walls, the offices covered with un-painted plaster , two guestrooms for visiting Art exhibitors built in natural earth quarry tile walls and a plastered un-painted rounded water deposit . The Gallery structure nave was solved with a triangular open steel structure painted in white. White metal sunshade flat screens were set inside the structure in order to avoid interior sun exposure. The work was completed in 1989.


Raúl Peña Arias/ Else Van Arkel / Carlos Lobatón / Fidel Hernández


Este es un proyecto diseñado y desarrollado por Fuego Studio
