This was a Workshop sponsored by ´El laboratorio para La Ciudad ´The lab for the city; a Mexico´s City goverment branch and The Youth National Institute to work along the Anáhuac School of Architecture and the local community . Milpa Alta, a rural district in Mexico City has remained untouched by the pressure of urban grow . The enviroment is dominated by prickly pear cactus, wich cover terraced agicultural plots barely divided .
The achievment of this work was to produce a prototype that could be reproduced and set in Milpa Alta´s territory and in its nine original settlements . First a Landscape proposal for a linear pedestrian route had to be done alongside a seasonal dry river that crosses villages and countryside, interconnecting cross-country roads; this in order to set the proposed prototype as a design piece specially alocated for this porpuse . The Workshop also featured three different urban re-arrangement connection circuits throughout the land .